We're here to help! - Our customers choose NBS for the quality and craftsmanship of all our hives and parts. We've been making hives for almost 40 years, so whether you choose to buy your hive and parts assembled or flat-packed, you'll receive the same exceptional finish.
However, many of our customers have asked for a little assistance above and beyond our instruction documents. We've created a series of step-by-step beekeeping video tutorials which will help guide you through the construction of your beehive components. From frames to roofs, brood chambers and beyond.
We're continuing to add to our 'how-to' video series and if there's anything you would like to know or have us create a video for, we'd really love to hear from you. Visit the National Bee Supplies - YouTube Channel for our full range of beekeeping tutorials .
How To Assemble a Brood Frame (and other frames!)
In the first of a series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a frame for your hive. The frame we're making will fit a British Standard Brood Chamber, but this technique can be used for all frame assembly.
How To Assemble A National Super
In the 2nd installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a super for your hive. The super we're making will fit a National hive configuration, but this technique can be used when assembling other supers too.
How To Assemble A WBC Brood Chamber
In the 3rd installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a brood chamber for your hive. The chamber we're making will fit a WBC hive, but this technique can be transferred to other hive parts too.
How To Assemble A Flat Roof
In the 4th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a flat roof for your hive. The roof we're making is 6" (15cm), but this technique can be used for different sizes and hive configurations.
How To Assemble A WBC Lift
In the 5th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a WBC lift for your hive.
How To Assemble A Gabled Roof
In the 6th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a gabled roof for your hive. The roof we're making is for a National hive, but this technique can be used for different hive configurations too.
How To Assemble A National Solid Floor
In the 7th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a National/Commercial Solid Floor for your hive
How To Assemble A National Eke
In the 8th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a National Eke for your hive to convert a standard brood chamber to a 14x12.
How To Assemble A Commercial Brood Chamber
In the 9th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a Commercial Brood Chamber for your hive. This method can also be used for making a Commercial Super.
How To Assemble A National Hive Stand
In the 10th installment of our series of useful beekeeping how-to videos, Chris shows you how to assemble a National Hive Stand. This method can also includes how to assemble hive stand legs.
How To Use A Candle Mould
Turn your leftover beeswax into beautiful candles! In this tutorial, Rebecca demonstrates how to use one of our candle moulds. Every one of our kits come with a mould, 5m of wick, a wick holder, mould stand and rubber bands.
How To Use Our 4 Frame Extractor With Filter & Tank
Chris demonstrates how you can use our 4 frame extractor with filter & tank.
How to introduce a nuclei to a hive.
In this video, Chris demonstrates how to introduce over-wintered bees to a new hive. If you're following along, make sure you are wearing full beekeeping protective clothing.
How to requeen a hive
Kasper and Chris demonstrate how to requeen a beehive.
How to Make a Nuc/Split
In this video Kasper shows us how make a nucleus and how to split a hive.